Saturday, September 24, 2011

Music's Role in Your Life...

Music has always been a mainstay for Pat & I, beginning very early in our lives. And, yes, it DOES soothe the savage beast in us. But, so much more than simply soothing… music uplifts, energizes, teaches, admonishes, communicates, and can keep us on track.

Paul, writing to believers at the church in Colossae, says: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Col. 3.16, nkjv)

A favorite song from the pen of Carol Cymbala, music director at The Brooklyn Tabernacle, “Keep Me True” offers up a prayer to our heavenly Father:

I put my life into Your hands | I rest in You alone
My only hope is in Your love | Lord, I’m yours, I’m not my own

Keep me safe, Keep me true | All I want to live for Is to live for You;
My earnest prayer each day | Is Lord, please have your way,  In me, in me.

Through every storm along life’s way | And the valleys I go through,
I’ll trust you, Lord, to keep me strong | So that my life will honor You
     Permission to reprint lyrics granted by The Brooklyn Tabernacle.

What role has music played in your life? Has it made an impact in your day-to-day life? In your walk with the Lord?   Terry & Pat Lampel, Cup of Cold Water ministry

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sara Groves: don't have to think twice.

Sarah, this was the only way we had to share what you & your music does for Pat & me. We both deal with severe, chronic pain, usually 24/7. Pat has been dealing with an especially difficult phase this week. Since becoming acquainted with you via a radio broadcast of "When The Saints," you have made a profound impact on the lives of these old, battle-scarred saints! Every time this week, when Pat was able to be up for a bit, whenever I would ask her if she would like to listen to some music (something of which we have an abundant supply), her immediate response is always, "Sara". Your music, encourages, provokes, sometimes soothes, and always blesses! Thank You, Sara, from our hearts! Terry & Pat, Seattle, WA  Cup of Cold Water ministry